We recently hung out with a group of really hilarious people.
thanks for looking,
We recently hung out with a group of really hilarious people.
thanks for looking,
24 on 24. too bad the 24 Jack Bauer themed photo shoot didn’t work out.
As you might be able to tell we didn’t spend much time on this weeks photo shoot. We got a little lazy. Oh and we have been busy planning our camping trip!!!!
But, you just wait for next week!
Yesterday Kate and I celebrated 8 years of being together! 4 years of dating and 4 years of marriage! We got married on our four year anniversary of dating (just looking out for you D.arel). And we had such an exciting day that we decided we would sleep for 6 hours!
I love kate so much, and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have ended up with a women that is so perfect for me! I am so glad you put up with me Katherine! I have no idea what I would do without you.
Kate has felt good all week. She still battles feeling tired a lot. But she doesn’t take naps anymore… except for whatever it was that happened to us yesterday.
Anyways, I have another blog to get up before we leave for the weekend.
thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. babyjedi.
p.s. i love you babyjedi!
I could take pictures of these two until the end of days.
Hope you had a good birthday Courtney. I am glad I got to be part of it!
thanks for looking,
James | Courtney
a small taste. more next week. prepare yourself.
Fun Fact: 23 is Kate’s favorite number.
So I slacked off a little bit last week on the exposition… my bad. We were all caught up in the Stanley Cup Finals around here! Oh, and we WON! #BRUINS!
The big thing this week is Charlie Horses. She has woken up/scared the crap out of me twice in the middle of the night with an intense charlie horse. They have gone away rather quickly but we would rather they stop.
Kate’s back pain has been more consistent in the last couple of weeks. I am guessing this has to do with the fact that she is on her feet close to 40 hours a week just for her job much less running around with me as my wonderful/beautiful/amazing assistant. And on top of all that she is growing a strong bouncing babyjedi in her belly! Today at her prenatal appointment the midwife told her to try to do some specific stretches so we will see if that helps.
The midwife also said that everything was absolutely perfect. Every stat/pee-test/measurement/bloodpressure was exactly where it was supposed to be.
So for the most part we are still sailing through this thing pretty happily!
BabyJedi has been doing awesome, and is moving almost constantly. He or She is a very strong baby!
Malani has been taking cat naps like normal, and running around like a crazy person at night. She also can’t wait to meet babyjedi. She is also the best and most adorable cat ever. Sorry to everyone else’ cats.
People at Kate’s work have been noticing that she is prego. I have a feeling Kate’s stomach is about to explode into earth swallowing proportions soon, it is going to have to in order to contain the amount of awesome that is BabyJedi.
We both love you so much lil’ sprague! And we cannot wait for you to be in our arms!
Anyways, I think that is everything.
TEASER ALERT!!: Faye, Sterling, Kyra, Max, Jane, Maximilian, Eli, Dorian, Desmond, Cash, Ashton among many others.
Thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. babyjedi.
doin’ it and doin’ it and doin’ it well.
It is refreshing to see two best friends end up together.
I would normally say “good luck” but I know you wont need it!
Congratulations to you both!
Thanks for looking,
just barely fit this in before game time! #Bruins4cup!!!
So here is the quick version:
Kate didn’t take any naps.
BabyBruin is moving a ton.
Kate got a massage.
We went to the beach. (babybruin’s first visit to the beach!)
Everything is awesome!
We are loving life!
Go Bruins!
thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. babybruin.
p.s. How many of you readers are watching the Stanley Cup Finals!?
Welcome to my parents backyard. A field of dreams.
My family and I moved many times during my childhood, but if you asked me where home is, it is this property. Pick a childhood pastime and it has been done in this field or the woods beyond it. Soccer. Football. Baseball. Paintball. Forts. Snowboarding. Manhunt (hide and seek for kids who are clearly way to old and cool to play it). Christmas tree hunting. Tree climbing. Sappy hands. Broken bones. Even a failed attempt at spin-the-bottle. Our motley crew shaped this land with our hands, minds, and hacksaws. It was whatever we needed it to be. Best of all, we were always a short walk away from all the water we could drink and a fridge that was always ready to be raided by our grubby hands.
In more recent history, all of us kids have grown up and moved away. The House is much too empty these days. The Field is left to bristle in the wind with the echos of my past fading as each new year comes and goes.
But, as I sit here to write this, I realize that it was not the land that made it my home. It was not the field or all the time we spent in the woods that made it my home. It was Mom and Dad.
They have always supported us crazy kids and our dreams. They treated our friends like family. Mom stocked that fridge to keep up with our constantly crowed house and our hungry teenage stomachs. She made everyone that came into that house feel at home. Dad played football with us. And he would brim with pride at the site of our hideous forts.
I guess what I want to say is thank you Mom and Dad. This is all I could ever want for my child. You guys are awesome. And you are gonna kick some serious “butt” as grandparents, wherever you live!
Do you hear that babyjedi? You are one lucky kid. This family you are being born into is one of the #bestofalltime.
Speaking of the baby, they have been kicking/punching/flipping up a storm. You can see it now too… its so cool. I am starting to wonder if BabyAlien would have been a more fitting nickname… just playin babyjedi… love you!
Anyways, that is all for now.
thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. babyjedi/alien
:EDIT: I have once again proven that I am an idiot. Kate and I also got married in this field!!!! Thanks for throwing me under the bus Uncle Doug :P