I found this while browsing through some old stuff. I wrote it in Jan, 2006.
“This morning I was on my way home, and I was following a ford ranger for the last few minutes of my trip. In the back seat staring out the window at me was this little boy. He was probably about eight or nine, and he stared at me the whole time I was behind him. I just stared back for a while, all the while I couldn’t help but wish him luck on his journey through life. He reminded me of when I was that young, sitting in the back of my parents station wagon, in the seat that faced the cars behind you. I would watch people just like he was watching me. When I was that young I took life in stride, almost took it for granted. There was no way for me to tell if this kid had been forced to grow up fast because of his life, or maybe he was like me, staring out the window without a care in the world. Just before I turned into my drive way I waved. He gave a half wave back and smiled, almost like he had just been brought back to reality, pulled from the daze of youth. I guess all I really want to say is, good luck kid.
this is harder than it looks. see below for more details.
fail. –>
the force is strong in our family.
Big week this week! Few more pictures than normal too.
So lets see… oh yeah, I FELT BABYJEDI FOR THE FIRST TIME! so proud of the little one… you are very strong. Kate has been feeling babyjedi move a lot recently, which is exciting.
We got to see you this week babyjedi! You are so adorable. You were moving your hands a lot and the doctor said everything is perfect and they way it is supposed to be. I had a dream about your birth, it was so easy, I didn’t know in this dream whether you were a boy or a girl, but it didn’t matter, I was so in love with you! I can’t wait to meet you in person, hurry up already!
So yeah, this week has been awesome. <if you are not a star wars nerd disregard this sentence.> There might be more star wars related pictures at some point… but we need to build a better lightsaber… the crystal was crap in this one.
Lastly, about the throwing a bunch of papers in the air thing, not so easy… We must have tried 20 different times, and we only got one good picture from it, and a hilarious set of photos showing how badly we failed. We will have to try this again… next time, #wegobigorgohome.
thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. babyjedi.
p.s. i have started using italics for when I am talking to the baby…. ASKL:GFJKLADSGF so full of love and happiness!
<– haha its the 19th… random. Oh and btw, this is getting serious.
the queen.
looks good on you.
tough week.
So this week the effects of pregnancy have started to set in. Her back is hurting, she tinkles every five seconds, and she feels the baby MOVING! I am a little jealous, but she can keep BabyJedi where it is.
To BabyJedi: I spend a lot of my time wondering what you are going to look like kiddo. We heard your heartbeat yesterday, and it sounded awesome! The midwife said you were perfect, but lets be serious, you are my child after all! It is hard to imagine that someday you will be all grown up and I will be old, and feel like everything went by so fast. You are already growing so fast. Take it easy. Anyways, gotta get back to the readers now.
Hello readers, I’m back.
So, how does one prepare for the greatest challenge of their life? What makes a good parent? What makes a bratty kid? Spanking or no spanking? McDonalds? Wendys? Organic? Sports? School districts? Will they think I am awesome? There are Grand Canyons filled to the brim with questions like this flowing in a Nile sized river through my mind. Constantly. And there are no answers. For some reason they don’t bother me though. The questions fly by in a continuous stream, effortlessly. And I find myself jumping from one to the next as quickly as they get thrown at me. Never worrying about the never ending deep beneath all of these questions, that is waiting for me to trip. But enough about me.
Kate looks amazing! She is very tired, and often lays down for 3 hour naps, which I am not sure you can even classify as a nap :)
We get to SEE BabyJedi again on tuesday! That is going to be awesome. We are still not finding out the gender. I get really excited when I think about the first time I know BabyJedi is a Boy/Girl. I am going to have girl-boy Hats/Whistles/Cigars/lightsabers everything!
Anyways, Next week is the big 20! Half way! we are gonna have to do something epic. This week the weather kept us inside again, hopefully we get some warm weather for next week.
Daft Punk called, they want to take #BabyJedi on tour with them.
Malani would kill a man for less… if she wasn’t so lazy.
#BabyJedi had a big week this week. On Mothers day they went to their first ever baseball game to see the SeaDogs. It was good to see a bunch of the family, we love you guys! And they went to their second show ever to see Manchester Orchestra/Cage the Elephant/O’Brother. The show was phenomenal.
I have started to talk to #BabyJedi. Can you hear me bro? You are getting quite big in there. We found out that your cousin is a boy! His name will be Owen and he might be born the same day as you!!! Anyways, I am going to talk to the nice readers now, love you and we will see you in a couple weeks at the ultrasound.
We went to a genetic counseling appointment this week, and it went really well. We don’t really have anything to be worried about, but there are some heart things in the family so better safe than sorry. Level II ultrasound in a couple weeks should confirm that we definitely don’t need to worry. I’m really not worried anyways because #BabyJedi could just use the Force to heal themselves. We can’t wait to see #BabyJedi.
We decided a while ago that we are not going to find out the sex of #BabyJedi. I think that it will make the #BigDay more exciting and awesome. We are also not going to do the 3D ultrasound, because unborn babies are unborn for a reason.
The new website is super exciting! What do you guys think?