Since this will undoubtedly be one of many trips across the sea, I figured I would start a travel section to my blog. Unfortunately I didn’t even think about this until on my way home, so the quality of the content isn’t really up to my own standards… sorry… my bad… I was on vacation… GET OFF MY BACK! First let me thank dave for taking many of the pictures you will see below, and also kate and sarah for taking some shots with my big clunky cannon. I would also like to thank the random strangers for taking pictures of the four of us throughout our trip, some of you even made it onto the blog!
Anyways… so we went to Ireland, and it was amazing. I learned some things while I was there.
Driving in Ireland is crazy, almost all of the roads are about half the width of our roads. By itself that is a lot to deal with, but add driving on the opposite side of the road, shifting with your left hand, and insane country road speeds and things can get hairy very fast. Everyone in the car is in a constant state of fear for their lives. By the end of the trip it didn’t seem nearly as bad. One thing to note, if you are renting a sweet car like a BMW or similar, you have to be 30. So yeah, that sucked. But our diesel Nissan treated us well.
Temple Bar, while fun and full of people, is basically Ireland’s version of a tourist trap, there is no one there that is from Ireland except for the workers. Go there once, and never return.
Galway, is awesome. Great town to stay in, and the farmland to the west of it is some of the most beautiful scenery I have seen. Go here and explore for a while.
Pubs are everywhere. The key is finding the pubs that are not designed specifically to cater to tourists. If there is no good food/no food, lots of old men, chances are you are in the right spot.
Old Head – – I went to Ireland searching for something, I didn’t know what it was until we went here. There is a path that goes to the right and the left of the street and each end is a breathtakingly spectacular view. It is like standing at the edge of the world before it was discovered. The wind whipping into your face and slightly tugging on you, as if it wanted pull you over the ledge down 300 feet into the stony ocean below. Go to this spot, and live. Just make sure you don’t die, I would feel bad.
Ok, so I decided to only post pictures with 1 or more of our group in them, I will put more on Facebook later. Ladies and gentlemice I give you kate, sarah, dave, and myself… in IREALND!
this was the last thing you saw before you were hung or in later years shot.
i am now officially a coffee drinker. i blame Ireland.
guinness. the origins. thanks random lady for taking our picture.
guinness in disguise.
sarah at the friary.
“like a boss”
i like to climb stuff.
“like a boss”
fake castle.
awww @ fake castle.
awww 2.0 at fake castle.
“like a boss”
the girls.
“like a boss”
idk what the heck i was thinking with this pose…
“like a boss”
“like a…. bear?”
our feet. because… you know… i like feet pictures dang it!
“like a boss”
when no little boys room can be found, large street signs do the trick.
“like a boss”
sarah in the rain.
kate in the rain.
me in the rain.
sometimes i take a picture of a picture and call it my own.
horses at the priory and kate’s arm.
sarah at the priory.
i really like to climb things.
kate doesn’t like this kind of ice cream.
i don’t know what this was, but i liked it.
“like a boss” at Blarney Castle.
even I am tall in this place!
“like a boss”
kate at blarney.
this castle was legit from the 1400s.
blarney stone “like a boss”
3 of my faves.
thanks random guy for taking our picture.
murder hole.
kate waiting for us to catch up.
we thought this place was nice… but it was about to blow our minds.
but first, photo bomb “like a boss”
i cannot begin to describe to you how it feels to stand at the edge of a 300ft cliff on the coast of ireland.
I failed at taking pictures this month… so we are going to use kate’s awesome iphone pictures! And the couple that I did take.
teething like a boss.
teaching her the ways of the sprague.
this is how you shopping cart.
addison greets new cat.
cat toy.
last picture in infant car seat…. *tear*
big girl!
showing dad some love in the new car seat.
fresh raw corn from Greenlaw Gardens!
i <3 her hair.
i <3 my family.
So it didn’t take long for me to forget what it was like when she couldn’t crawl. She is a pro now, and I am loving every second of it. The first few weeks where she was all wobbly and would fall over were hilarious and adorable. She still tips herself over sometimes when she gets over excited. She is pulling herself up onto EVERYTHING, and almost constantly hurting herself as she gets used to toddler life. Nothing serious yet, just the standard bumps and scrapes as she falls over or slips or pulls down something on top of herself.
I can’t believe how smart this kid is… what have we created? She now signs for “milk” when she wants some, and she signs for “more” when she wants some more of whatever it is she is eating. She claps when anyone says yay. She went from eating nothing to being a ravenous beast who cannot be satisfied and will eat anything… including “man flesh!” <– little LoTR reference there. She motions her pointer finger when someone says “come here” and will come to me when I say come here. She will give you something if you ask for it, just now she crawled across the bedroom with a Milani furball in her hand and placed it into my hand. If she is already chewing on said object she will spit it into your hand if you ask… ha! She says “all done” when she is done breastfeeding. And probably the coolest of all new things, she CLEARLY says “hello” and uses it appropriately. If she is not being shy, she will wave to people/cars that she sees and say “hello”. If she finds a phone she will pick it up and start saying hello. If she has done something I do not approve of she will look up at me innocently… wave…. and say “hello”. She is a devious one, this one.
Anyways, the big 1 year is coming up. And let me just say the stuff I am hoping to put out there into the world wide webs is going to be awesome!
vote for us… be cool… love your kids/family/friends… that is all.
thanks for looking,