Writers block right now. I have been sitting here staring at this screen for an hour. Typing a couple words… deleting them. So this is how I will start. Hi.
We started setting up the nursery, and it is looking awesome! I love these three pictures. They make me happy. Short sentences are fun. Kate is awesome. She is still a cleaning/organizing/laundry fiend, even though she is carrying around a baby making factory in her belly. It is pretty amazing to see.
Even after all of this time I still don’t feel like the gravity of the situation has actually hit me. After the classes. The books. The advice. The bills. The check ups. After all of this I still can’t comprehend what this is going to be like. For the rest of my life there will be a person on this planet that looks up to me. That needs me. In a year it probably won’t be a big deal, but I can’t get over it right now. I do know one thing… I am overwhelmingly excited.
On a completely random side note. I was thinking about my Grandpa today. He was really awesome and I miss him.
It is strange to picture myself as a grandparent… and that it is a very real possibility. I bet I would be a cool grandparent.
Anyways, I think I am going to join my awesome wife (and Malani) in bed and see if Babyjedi is moving around. They are usually moving all of the time, so my chances are a good!
thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. babyjedi.
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Beth! She let us have it at her house. She is awesome.
All White Everything.
Even the iPhones.
this is mini.
Good times were had.
A very special thank you goes out to Sarah for all of her hard work. She is responsible for everything you see here, whether she delegated or made it her self, the amount of work she put into this epic event is unimaginable. Thank you so much! Also thank you to everyone that helped bring everything together and setup. And thank you to everyone that came!!! You are all awesome!
as always, thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. babyjedi.
supporting the blog takes 2 clicks of the mouse. start here.
Dear Babyjedi, are you trying to escape your jail cell by busting through your mommy’s stomach? If so.. its adorable!
So yeah, him/her has gotten into the habit of pressing their head as far into Kate’s stomach skin as it can… it looks crazy. Like the one scene in Alien where the alien busts out of that dudes stomach… you know the one. We love to watch it move around, its so crazy awesome. Kate’s check up went amazingly once again this week. She still is right on target with everything, and all of her levels are perfect! She is pretty much the ideal baby machine. Also, her belly has exploded over the last couple days!!! I keep telling her, and she is all like “trust me, I know :)”.
The first real big annoyance has started and I am sure there was no way of avoiding it. She is very very uncomfortable most of the time now. Thanks babyjedi! Psh beatin up on your mom already! It probably won’t change until labor, but she always says she can’t complain. She takes it like a champ, I almost never notice that she is uncomfortable until she tells me. It looks like the back rubs are going to have to start happening a lot more often around here! Maybe a foot rub or 100 as well.
Other than that, everything is amazing. Work is going well. We are so busy that we are not sure if summer actually happened this year or if we just blacked out the whole thing. Lots of shooting this week, can’t wait to get some new stuff blogged, but for now Kate is waiting for me in bed so I gotta run! Wedding tomorrow! Wedding Saturday! Bring it!
oh and we are at #38 on http://www.topbabyblogs.com already! which is insane. This blog is the only new blog in the top 50 so I am pretty proud of all you awesome readers that have been voting! Much love!’
Have a great night/week/weekend everyone!
thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. babyjedi.
supporting the blog takes 2 clicks of the mouse. start here.
I’ll be honest. Money is the most stressful thing about life. Any tips on how to not stress about it, would be helpful. But seriously though, I can’t complain. I have an awesome wife, and an awesome baby on the way.
This week we did the shoot at Tough Tymes, a new restaurant in Northwood NH that is being started by Kate’s Dad’s Girlfriend Michelle! We can’t wait to frequent it, maybe we will get to see more of Kate’s Dad this way :) Just playing George!
Kate feels great. She is still have the most uneventful pregnancy in all of history. Malani just woke up from her cat nap to come out here and say hi to me, just thought you should know. She is awesome. Best. Cat. Ever. Deal with it.
Anyways, I am just rambling… /end ramble.
Thanks for looking,
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Last week we shot on a small walking bridge. This week we decided to find a much bigger walking bridge.
mmmm SUVeggies.
danmeo appearance.
Today is the day that baby showers reach their height of awesome in all the histories of the earth and its people. And yes, I will be taking pictures for proof. We did so much work and it is so crazy that it is all finally coming together and the day is here. I can’t wait for 1:00 to finally get here so we can start hanging out with the best friends and family in the world. So much love goes out to everyone that helped make this possible, we would have been lost without you. And a special thanks to Sarah Elan Arel (and her husband David) who has planned out everything and is the one that has done most of the work/organizing behind the scenes. We love you Elan! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING! Oh, and also sarah’s parents Joe and Beth for hosting the event and doing tons of crazy yard work!
So I don’t have much time to write. Here is the short version. My office is now moved, and we painted the Nursery, thanks to Dan Jurdak-Roy. Pics to come. We have been approved for financial aid through the hospital which is some of the best news we have gotten in a long long time!!!! Kate is doing phenomenal, and so is Babyjedi.
Time to go get ready for the baby shower!
Thanks for looking,
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