“i feel like me.” – kates response when i asked her how she felt.
So we are now into the second trimester of this all-star pregnancy. She is tired but not as tired. She feels like a Kate.
i wouldn’t be able to tell if it weren’t for this… BELLY!
¡warning! this is not your typical kate profile.
So kate got me this manly baby book to read. And, so far, its telling me i am an awesome husband. Thanks for the ego boost kate ;P
i love this next picture for reasons i cannot explain nor understand.

Saturday is our first wedding of the season. i am really excited! This year is going to be game changing.
i would be lying if i said i wasn’t nervous for this wedding season pregnancy craziness, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?
Plus one of my super über… süber… friends might be helping me later this year with weddings which is awesome.
her smile.
artsy fartsy… the name of my new pregnant photo series idea.
Oh! Kate thinks she might have maybe possibly felt the baby move a couple times this week! Or it was gas. i lol’d.
thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. jedibaby <-experimental variation of babyjedi