…own an original copy of awesome.
thanks for lookin,
The Ramblings of Daniel Aaron Sprague, a Photographer from Dover New Hampshire
…own an original copy of awesome.
thanks for lookin,
if I were to try and imagine how to have the most fun at a wedding,
I would be hard pressed to come up with a better idea than david and mimi.
kate took this next one, i LOVE it!ready to take over the universe with unavoidably powerful cuteness.
“You may like them.
You will see.
You may like them
in a tree?”mans best friends on their best behavior
fire works in your face.
thanks for lookin,
…a banjo and some moonshine were the only things missing.
matt and kristan waiting to see each other for the first time :)
fashion inspired portrait – The groom saw it in a magazine and wanted to try it, we love it!
this is the barn, complete with beautiful in ground pool. yes people swam in it.fave photobooth pic
this is how we role.
thanks for lookin,
and none are more happy than Brandon and Anna!
kate took this next one, i love it!
the inherited family ring is awesome
the new family.
thanks for looking,
…Rulers of the know universe.
meet bruno, best dog ever.
Aidan Throws Ball. Bruno Chases Ball.
best dog ever Exhibit B
super rad red sox fans
thanks for lookin,