so today kate said, “4 more weeks and we are half way.” that got my attention.
i can’t wait for you to be here babyjedi!!!
there were spiders.
completely random picture…. kate compulsively runs away from trains.
so today was a great day all around. the bruins just won game 7! kate is doing great!
babyjedi is going to its first concert on friday, to see mewithoutyou and Further Seems Forever.
i think the wedding is going to be amazing on saturday.
we are still trying to decide what we are going to do about the office/nursery situation.
i facetimed for like 8 hours of hockey this week with my bestie in chicago… we are awesome.
names is an ongoing thing.
hmmm…. anything else? … i can’t think of anything right now so ttfn
thanks for looking,
daniel. kate. babyjedi.